Sustainable, Responsible & Committed


Professionalism & Trust

We are committed to delivering the best to our Clients and the communities we serve. As such, we take our responsibilities seriously.

We have a dedicated ESG Policy and Social Value Commitment in place to ensure high standards are met across the board. Sustainability is ingrained in our ethos and with every project we undertake, we are continuously looking at ways to become more sustainable.

Health & safety is of paramount importance and we are dedicated to proactively ensuring this is a top priority for any project we are involved in.

We are proud to hold a number of industry-recognised accreditations and uphold our responsibilities to ensure the highest standards throughout our business and the work we do for our Clients.


Committed to Excellence


It is at the very core of our business to preserve, restore and sustain. Therefore, at Stonewest, we recognise that environmental performance is crucial. As such we set our Environmental Management System against the standards of ISO 14001 : 2005. Information on our environmental impact is collated and reported monthly to the senior leadership team. All our sites and offices operate in line with both our Environmental Management Policy and our Sustainability Policy and processes.

We monitor and report any Greenhouse Gas Emissions in line with UK Regulations. Our reporting criteria incorporates all scope 1 (direct) and scope 2 (in-direct) emission sources. We also endeavour to monitor our scope 3 emissions such as wastewater, travel and transport of goods and materials. Ultimately, we are committed to doing our bit with the aim of being exemplars in our industry.

We have worked hard to devise a strategic business plan that ensures we are more sustainable in every aspect of what we do, from sustainable working, reduced energy consumption to future innovations. Through identifying climate–based risk and opportunity, we are able to reduce our overall footprint, save through efficiency of process and communicate our environmental focus to our Clients. It is our goal to cut our emissions over the next 5 years by up to 20% against our baseline. Our strategy is currently being developed and will, among other areas focus on training, information and responsible sourcing of goods and materials.


This starts with recruitment. At Stonewest we actively attract apprentices and graduate level team members. We consistently consider the way in which we recruit, ensuring our advertising attracts candidates from varied backgrounds and experiences. This cognitive diversity enables us to be more representative and supportive of the communities in which we work.

Once onboard, we strive to retain our teams through coaching and continual development. This not only helps us to better achieve our business goals but also equips our team members with the tools to bring their “best selves” to work.

Stonewest has strong community connections through the local charities we support. As a management team we also provide a mechanism to our employees to support charitable causes that are important to them, their family or their own community.


The way in which we operate is of vital importance and we take our responsibilities very seriously. We are committed to ensure both regulatory compliance and best practice in all of our sustainably focussed undertakings and demonstrate fair and just leadership in delivering outcomes with a whole life impact.

In our efforts to drive more sustainable solutions and practices within the communities and environments which we work, we have formed a Sustainability Team. This Team consists of a cognitively diverse group of Stonewest Senior Leaders all of who sit on our Executive Board.

The purpose of the committee is to ensure we stick to the rules. Not just the applicable regulations but also the high standards that we at Stonewest have set for ourselves. The Team frequently review, consider and amend our internal processes to reflect any recent changes or improvements relating to Environmental, social or ethical practice.

Social Value

Contribution to Society



Supporting local jobs

Work and training opportunities for local people

• Ensure that local people are given opportunities for work and training
• Taking an inclusive approach to recruitment and training, for all
• Supporting the wellbeing and safety of all employees and trainees

Work, Live & Play

Creating safe, clean environments and public spaces

• Supporting community wellbeing and continual improvement of public spaces and buildings
• Minimising environmental impact and ensuring sustainable working practices

Collaborate for success

Partner with stakeholders to understand the social needs involved, tailor bespoke services to meet the specific needs and aspirations of the local environment and community

• Every community has different needs, challenges and aspirations. Therefore, different solutions are required to support the potential of every individual and organisation within the community
• Set objectives for each project, monitor performance and evaluate throughout the project lifecycle


To learn more about what Social Value means to Stonewest, please read here.


Ethos & Culture

By the very nature of the work we undertake, we are inherently sustainable and believe in restoration over demolition. We are are the forefront of ensuring the survival of unique buildings and structures, preserving history one stone at a time, so these buildings can stay standing and live on for future generations.

Our processes ensure that we operate as a responsible contractor and our awards serve as testament to our commitment and achievements. Upholding the environmental aspects of our projects is paramount to ensure minimal carbon footprint.

Sustainability is ingrained in our ethos and with every project we undertake, we are continuously looking at ways to become more sustainable.

Health and Safety

Committed & Resolute

Health and Safety is paramount to what we do. We make no apologies for the fact that profit, progress & programmes all come second, to making sure that everyone can enjoy a safe and healthy working environment. We are continually working to raise our standards across the entire company at every level, from the boardroom to site.

We pride ourselves on maintaining a positive and proactive approach to towards health, safety and wellbeing within our business. We also strive to foster an engaging culture throughout our workforce and supply chain. Health and Safety is something we share ownership for across all of our operations and sites, through our experienced and competent personnel.

We conduct regular, internal audits on our processes and investigate any incidents and near misses involving our operational team members along the way, so we can drive the health and safety culture of our business forward.

We are proud to say that we operate our Health and Safety management system in line with the Internationally recognised standards of ISO 45001:2018, enabling us to maintain a consistently high-level approach to Health and Safety Management across all of our operations.

We encourage each employee to constantly strive to adopt the best safety and health practices and work with them to drive this positive and proactive safety culture.


(Image: Health & Safety briefing in action)


Dedicated & Responsible

Our company policies and procedures establish the rules of conduct within Stonewest and demonstrate our understanding and acknowledgment of what we must do, both in terms of the law and best practice.

As a responsible contractor and sustainable business, we are committed to our Clients, our employees and the communities we serve. We have a number of company policies that are central to our ways of working and a testament to the high standards we uphold as a business.

Some of our company policies include Health & Safety, Quality, Environmental, Corporate Responsibility, Ethical Conduct, Equal Opportunities, Sustainable Procurement, Supply Chain & Suppliers’ Ethical Conduct, Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking and Equal Opportunities & Diversity.

For further information or to request copies of our policies, please contact Amanda Treadwell on